
作者: ISACA现在
发表日期: 2023年10月27日

编者按: The ISACA 网络安全 Month Scholarship is one of the ISACA基金会’s global academic scholarships for students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in cybersecurity. Five awardees are selected every year and receive funding for their school tuition and an ISACA career building bundle. The application is open during 网络安全 Month in October in recognition of this initiative to help create resources and awareness for digital security and support students who identify as a member of an underrepresented community in cyber. 下面是今年的一些奖学金获得者, 塞缪尔·吉图尤·姆旺吉, BSc IT, CEH, CCNA, 柯林斯由他是埃森哲(Accenture)高级安全分析师 Nayananjalee Rajarathna,网络安全分析师,理学士. ICT (RUSL), PGDip. 网络安全(SLIIT), share what motivated them to enter the cybersecurity field and how they have observed 网络安全 Awareness Month throughout October.

name 塞缪尔·吉图尤·姆旺吉(SGM): 在21世纪初, 当时互联网接入在肯尼亚还相对新鲜和昂贵, 我记得通过参与IRC黑客聊天室的社交互动来优化低带宽. The distinctive culture characterized by a fervor for knowledge sharing and exploration was truly compelling. 同样的灵, 与人民和文化为伴, 在许多当代网络安全环境中,这与我产生了共鸣, 它仍然是迷人的源泉.

name 柯林斯由 (CB)我想主修计算机安全与取证专业的梦想从小学就开始了, 当我第一次在我叔叔家使用电脑的时候. Later, I had the opportunity to meet and learn from Professor Keffa Raba, a cryptographic scholar. His fascinating stories about how evidence could be acquired from computers to catch and convict cybercriminals inspired me to change the course of my career.

name拉贾拉特纳(NR)我从高中起就对科技充满热情. I had the opportunity to earn my undergraduate degree in Information and Communication Technology at Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. 当时, I was drawn to the idea of protecting sensitive data in the digital world by ensuring the safety and privacy of individuals. 因为我有天生的批判性思维能力, 解决问题和注意细节, 哪些是网络安全领域的基本技能, 我更热衷于从事网络安全方面的职业. 结果是, I started my master’s degree in cyber security at Sri Lanka Institute of 信息技术 (SLIIT).


上海通用汽车有限公司: 我认为,我们目前正处于深入研究网络安全的最佳时代. 在这个技术和数据集成到日常流程的时代, 新对手的出现, legal compliance requirements and the imperative for robust data protection make it essential for every organization to address these challenges with the expertise of a cybersecurity professional.

CB: 网络安全 has become a critical business domain across all industries in the face of a dynamic threat landscape, 日益复杂的网络攻击和民族国家行为者.

Organizations are scaling up their cybersecurity maturity and building cases for cyber transformation and resilience to their boards. This creates significant opportunities for both entry-level and experienced cybersecurity professionals.

NR: 随着各种规模的组织中威胁行为体的不断演变, it is clear that cybersecurity is an essential tool for continuous business plans within organizations. 随着技术的进步, 及时了解每一种可能的攻击是至关重要的, 特别是零日攻击. 因此, there is a need for cybersecurity professionals to stay alert with upcoming technologies and cyberattacks. 进一步, 尤其是在斯里兰卡, I found that there is a cybersecurity talent gap where companies are struggling to find skilled professionals. 因此, I believe this is a good time to start my cybersecurity journey and help individuals to protect their data online through cybersecurity awareness programs.

What areas of the cybersecurity field do you think are the best fit for your skills and interests?

上海通用汽车有限公司: 在过渡到网络安全之前,他最初冒险进入了软件开发领域, 我的职业生涯赋予了我多方面的技能. 我在这些领域的经历培养了我的安全意识, 指导我将重点放在加强现有机制和方法上. 我的专长是整合安全编码实践, 确保云安全, 实现安全的DevOps架构, 监视和保护api, 建立网络的访问和控制措施. 这些领域与我在网络安全领域的技能和兴趣无缝对接. 值得注意的是,我积极参与持续学习, 我一直在关注这个不断发展的领域的最新趋势和进展.

CB: 威胁狩猎, 威胁检测和数字取证是最适合我技能的关键领域, 在SOC工作过,还做过法医顾问. I have also harnessed the skills across these domains in both on-prem and cloud enterprise architectures.

NR: 我相信我的技能和兴趣与网络安全领域的几个领域一致, 尤其是云取证和网络取证. 随着云技术的快速发展, 对具有云取证技能的专业人员的需求正在增加. 我对网络取证的兴趣使我进入了云取证领域, 因为有许多挑战需要解决. 我对不断学习的承诺, analytical mindset and staying up-to date with the latest threats make me a perfect fit for the job role as a cloud forensic investigator.

What are you participating in or have you noticed in your community for cybersecurity awareness month?

上海通用汽车有限公司: 我在当地的ISACA肯尼亚分会志愿参加网络安全意识培训. 我很欣赏为社会做贡献的重要性. I find great value in sharing knowledge and providing training on the importance of safeguarding one’s data and privacy. 经常, individuals are unaware of the risks that leave them susceptible to external threats like malware, 诈骗, 日常生活中的网络钓鱼和身份盗窃. Imparting knowledge that helps them comprehend the workings of these threats and providing them with tools to protect themselves is not only crucial but also personally fulfilling.

CB: 当地网络安全澳门赌场官方下载为网络安全意识月组织了许多活动. 例如,SheHacks已经宣布为他们的HackFest活动征集论文. Others have organized CTFs (capture the flag competitions) for university students and cybersecurity awareness webinars. Organizations are also sharing security awareness tips with their employees to promote a culture of cybersecurity awareness.

NR: Many organizations and educational institutions have organized workshops and webinars to educate individuals on various aspects of cybersecurity. One of the sessions I am participating in includes a 网络安全 Awareness Month webinar series conducted by WiCyS Organization. 除此之外, I noticed that the ISACA Sri Lankan Chapter also is conducting cybersecurity awareness programs focusing on large companies within Sri Lanka. 我也开始在领英上发布关于如何保护我们的在线数据隐私的帖子.

网络安全 Awareness Month has inspired engagement from the community to share knowledge about safer online practices. 这反映了全球网络安全行业在这个数字世界中的增长.


上海通用汽车有限公司: 为即将进入这个领域的新一代学生, 我建议培养一种不断学习和探索的文化和精神. 另外, 他们可以在培养尊重文化方面发挥关键作用, 协作, 还有包容性——一个容纳来自不同背景的人的空间, 观点和身份可以平等地发展和贡献. 考虑到这个新兴领域的动态特性, 丰富的机会和途径等待着他们的宝贵贡献, 我们热情地鼓励他们加入并产生有意义的影响.

CB: I advise aspiring cybersecurity professionals to invest the time and effort to master their chosen security domain. 从大学毕业就进入这个行业, 参加网络安全会议和聚会, 与该领域的专业人士建立联系, 并在GitHub上建立您的工作和项目组合. 这个作品集将向潜在的雇主展示你的技能和经验.

NR: 作为下一代未来的领导者, 我建议同学们继续学习,跟上新技术的步伐. 持续学习是成功的关键. 如果你想成为网络安全专家, 首先,在网络中建立一个坚实的基础, 编程和操作系统. 参与全球在线澳门赌场官方下载并讨论安全方面的问题. 获得网络安全工具、道德黑客和渗透测试的实践经验. Learn to stay calm under pressure and remember that clear thinking is critical to effective response and mitigation. 网络安全是一项使命. 它保护个人隐私,甚至国家安全. 因此,要不断学习,跟上技术的发展.
